Oftentimes, contestants get a pageant headshot taken and they get their hair and makeup done in such a way that they look like a Hollywood Star. They’re wearing clothes that they wouldn’t ordinarily wear, their makeup has completely changed their face and their hair extensions are blowing all around from the fan, and they just don’t look anything like the girl they really are.
It’s so important that your pageant headshot not only looks like you at your best, but it also must look like you.
For a Teen Contestant, it is crucial that your pageant headshot looks exactly like you. You don’t want to overdo the hair, makeup and wardrobe and end up making yourself look 10 years older. You don’t want to confuse the judges by looking like a Miss Contestant.
Pageant headshots are very important because this is the very first impression that the judge has of the contestant. It needs to be professional, yet realistic. You want to give the judge an accurate representation of yourself. It is all about interpretation; very few people look attractive with the camera super close to their face. Therefore, the range for a headshot should be anywhere from slightly above the waist to just beneath the shoulders.”
Next, you want to think about your hiring the best hair and makeup artists that you can afford. Please don’t attempt to do your own hair and makeup unless you are extremely skilled and capable of creating the right look for what you need. You have to understand photography and how much makeup to apply.
Since a headshot is literally a shot of your head, accessories like shoes, belts and purses are not important. You want to concentrate on the neckline of your garment, the colors you plan to wear and jewelry like earrings, necklaces and bracelets.
Bring tops or dresses that have flattering necklines for you, and be sure to find items that have colors that make you look sensational. You also want to feel good about yourself in whatever you wear because it will make a difference in the final product.
It’s always a good idea to bring more clothes than you need. Just because you are only doing one look, does not mean that you should only bring one garment. Definitely bring extra clothing items and jewelry ( Like bold earrings that draw attention to your face. You should have a different pair of earrings for each outfit. If not, then go with a modern yet classic hoop earring – Jewelry always should compliment attire. Whether you are wearing a photo topper, your glitz bodice or a well-planned outfit always remember that the accessories should pull in the overall look of the photo, not overwhelm or distract from the contestant’s beauty. The face should always be the main focus point.) you so that you and the photographer can decide on the best options.

Depending on the level of pageant you are participating in (i.e. High School Pageant to Miss America), the caliber of photos and wardrobe should be complementary to your current pageant.
What’s the look and brand of the pageant that you’re participating in? What do last years pageant contestant photos look like?
As a basic rule, pageant headshot wardrobes should be solid with no busy prints or fabric distractions.
Also, don’t forget to take care of your hands before your photoshoot. You just never know when the photographer might suggest including your hand in one of the shots. Often, people forget about their hands and they don’t get a manicure before their shoot. When you do get a manicure, choose a light-colored, neutral nail polish that blends well with your skin tone. If you absolutely cannot get a manicure, at least make sure your nails look their best.
What is your Brand?
All of the qualities and characteristics that make us an individual are part of our unique personal brand. Add to that the way that we look, the way we think, speak and interact with others and the world around us, and you have a pretty solid idea of what branding is all about.
You may not realize it, but all of those pieces that make up your brand should be considered when you are planning out what you want the final product of your headshot to be. If you are not a girly-girl who loves over-the-top glamour, then it doesn’t make sense for you to create a hyper-stylealized photoshoot wearing a bright crystal-covered gown and pink glamour earrings. That is going to give the wrong impression to the judges about who you are and what you’re about because it doesn’t line up with your brand.
The point is that you want to strategically align your pageant headshot image with what you want the judges and everyone else to think about you before they get the opportunity to meet you. Your headshot is your calling card, and it speaks for you, before you even open your mouth. That is why it is so important to know what your personal brand is.
Last but not least, get lots of sleep in the days prior to your shoot and make sure that you have been drinking sufficient water so that you are properly hydrated.
All the best for you and good luck!